Silver Sport Transmissions

Taking the Extra Step
"We’ve all seen it before: you go into a shop and after a quick look around you start to wonder if you should have any work done there. When it comes to our babies, we want the shop to take the same pride in our cars that we take in them, and that’s a rare thing to find these days."
The PerfectFit Difference
"Or you can go with a complete transmission kit that has everything you need, including a hydraulic clutch system and the correct crossmember, from Silver Sport Transmissions. Its PerfectFit Powertrain Solutions will provide all the hardware and components needed to swap a modern transmission, like the Tremec T-56 Magnum, into a classic car."
Raybestos Build - 69 Mustang
"Raybestos, in partnership with Schwartz Performance, has released renderings of a restomod Mustang that it will give away to one lucky grand prize winner next year. And lucky may just be an understatement. Our friends at Silver Sport Transmissions have also jumped on board to sponsor this amazing build."
The Sublime HEMI Charger
"If you went to your prom in the 1970s, chances are you had a pretty cool car to drive because you wanted to impress your date. For yours truly, it was a 1976 Buick Le Sabre with the 455, and it was a very cool ride. Plenty of power, and plenty of class, and the skinny pedal was mashed a few times more than it should have been (sorry, Grammy)."
Black Mamba Delivers a Competitive Strike
"While the car is an interesting story in and of itself, we also love to talk about Corvettes in terms of a life-long passion, and how an individual generated such a connection with America’ sports car. In this case, Scott had a number of things to say, as he has been a true Corvette fanatic for nearly his entire life."
Justice for Donny - Street Legal TV
"This past May, a 49-year-old Donald Bachman was gunned down in front of his home in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and his killer is still at large. It was just days after his birthday, and there is speculation that this crime occurred because Bachman was a member of his community crime watch, and helped shut down a drug house in his neighborhood."
Street Legal TV on Gearing
"The math in this latest blog post from SST is about rearend gearing, and how to choose the right gearing for your musclecar. Gearing isn’t just about speed, it’s about torque, it’s about economy, and it’s about engine rpm – and don’t forget to throw in tire diameter for good measure."


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